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مصر...اللى ممكن متعرفهاش- محميات مصر- الجزء الأول

محمية ابو جالوم محمية طبيعية في "1992" وتتميز هذه المنطقة بطبوغرافية خاصة ونظام بيئي متكامل تنفرد بنظام كهفي تحت الماء و...

الخميس، 27 أكتوبر 2016

فن العمارة عبر التاريخ ....التعريف والمفهوم.....Architecture Timeline- الجزء الأول

تعريف العمارة
العمارة هي فن وعلم تشييد و تصميم المباني ليغطي بها الإنسان بها  احتياجات مادية كالسكن مثلاأو معنوية و ذلك باستخدام مواد و أساليب إنشائية مناسبة.
مفهوم وفلسفة
·         يعتبر المعماري فنان وفيلسوف بالدرجة الأولى, فهو من المفترض أن يعتمد  في أي تصميم على مفاهيم و عناصر تتعلق بهدف و فكرة المشروع المطلوب. وهذا يتطلب ثقافة واسعة و خيال أوسع. لهذا نجد العمارة بحد ذاتها تتسع لتشملعدة مجالات مختلفة من نواحي المعرفة و العلوم الإنسانية .
·         ويجب أيضا الإلمام بنواحي ثقافية و معارف أخرىتبدو بعيدة عن المجال . هذا بالنسبة لمتطلبات و مفهومالعمارة, أما مجالات العمل المتاحة  فهي مفتوحة بصورة واسعة للغاية, فتبدأ منتصميم المدن و التخطيط  العمراني بها و تصل حتى تصميم أصغر منضدة بالمنازل وقطع الديكور و الأثاث.
·           فالمطلوب من المعماري في مرحلة التصميم وضع تصور كامل ومفصل للمشروع وربطه بالطبيعة والتقاليد والعادات الموجودة بالمنطقة فالمطلوب من المعماري إيجاد صيغة مناسبة من التصميم تترجم إحتياجات الناس المستخدمين للمكان فيما بعد.

تاريخ العمارة
·         نستطيع تقسيم التاريخ إلي حقب زمنية وإذا نظرنا لكلا نجد أن لكل حقبة طرازا معينا يميزها عن غيرها على الرغم منالتقارب الزمني و المكاني بين بعضهم البعض.
منذ بدء الخليقة و الإنسان يسعىلتلبية إحتيجته من المسكن حتى يتسنى له العيش, فبدء بالكهوف كمساكن جاهزة ثمبدء يتتطور شيئا فشئ حتى وصل للإستخدام خامات البيئة المحيطة و الأشجار والأحجار حتى وصلنا لما نحن فيه الأن ومن المؤكد أن عجلة التطور لن تقف حتى أخرالزمان.

Architecture Timeline
Historic Periods and Styles

How did the world's great buildings evolve? Let's trace the history of architecture in the Western world, beginning with the first known structures made by humans up to the soaring skyscrapers of the modern era.
This quick review illustrates how each new movement builds on the one before. Although our timeline lists dates, historic periods do not start and stop at precise points on a calendar. Periods and styles flow together, sometimes merging contradictory ideas, sometimes inventing new approaches, and often re-awakening and re-inventing older movements. Dates are always approximate: Architecture is a fluid art.

Before recorded history, humans constructed earthen mounds, stone circles, megaliths, and structures that often puzzle modern-day archaeologists. Prehistoric architecture includes monumental structures such as Stonehenge, cliff dwellings in the Americas, and thatch and mud structures lost to time.

3,050 BC to 900 BC In ancient Egypt, powerful rulers constructed monumental pyramids, temples, and shrines. Far from primitive, enormous structures such as the Pyramids of Giza were feats of engineering capable of reaching great heights.

850 BC to 476 AD From the rise of ancient Greece until the fall of the Roman empire, great buildings were constructed according to precise rules. The Classical Orders, which defined column styles and entablature designs, continue to influence building design in modern times.

527 to 565 AD. After Constantine moved the capital of the Roman empire to Byzantium (now called Istanbul) in 330 AD, Roman architecture evolved into a graceful, classically-inspired style that used brick instead of stone, domed roofs, elaborate mosaics, and classical forms. Emperor Justinian (527 AD to 565 AD) led the way

800 to 1200 AD 
As Rome spread across Europe, heavier, stocky Romanesque architecture with rounded arches emerged. Churches and castles of the early Medieval period were constructed with thick walls and heavy piers.

1100 to 1450 AD 
Pointed arches, ribbed vaulting, flying buttresses, and other innovations led to taller, more graceful architecture. Gothic ideas gave rise to magnificient cathedrals like Chartres and Notre Dame.

1400 to 1600 AD A return to classical ideas ushered an "age of awakening" in Italy, France, and England. Andrea Palladio and other builders looked the classical orders of ancient Greece and Rome. Long after the Renaissance era ended, architects in the Western world found inspiration in the beautifully proportioned architecture of the period.

1600 to 1830 AD In Italy, the Baroque style is reflected in opulent and dramatic churches with irregular shapes and extravagant ornamentation. In France, the highly ornamented Baroque style combines with Classical restraint. Russian aristocrats were impressed by Versailles in France, and incorporated Baroque ideas in the building of St. Petersburg. Elements of the elaborate Baroque style are found throughout Europe.

1650 to 1790 AD During the last phase of the Baroque period, builders constructed graceful white buildings with sweeping curves. These Rococo buildings are elegantly decorated with scrolls, vines, shell-shapes, and delicate geometric patterns.

1730 to 1925 AD A keen interest in ideas of Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio inspired a return of classical shapes in Europe, Great Britain and the United States. These buildings were proportioned according to the classical orders with details borrowed from ancient Greece and Rome.

1890 to 1914 AD Known as the New Style, Art Nouveau was first expressed in fabrics and graphic design. The style spread to architecture and furniture in the 1890s. Art Nouveau buildings often have asymmetrical shapes, arches and decorative surfaces with curved, plant-like designs.

1895 to 1925 AD Also known as Beaux Arts Classicism, Academic Classicism, or Classical Revival, Beaux Arts architecture is characterized by order, symmetry, formal design, grandiosity, and elaborate ornamentation.

1905 to 1930 AD In the early twentieth century, Gothic ideas were applied to modern buildings. Gargoyles, arched windows, and other medieval details ornamented soaring skyscrapers.

1925 to 1937 AD Zigzag patterns and vertical lines create dramatic effect on jazz-age, Art Deco buildings. Interestingly, many Art Deco motifs were inspired by the architecture of ancient Egypt.

1900 to Present. The 20th and 21st centuries have seen dramatic changes and astonishing diversity. Modern-day trends include Art Moderne and the Bauhaus school coined by Walter Gropius, Deconstructivism, Formalism, Modernism, and Structuralism.

1972 to Present. A reaction against the Modernist approaches gave rise to new buildings that re-invented historical details and familiar motifs. Look closely at these architectural movements and you are likely to find ideas that date back to classical and ancient times.

المصدر: محاضرات الدكتور أيمن ملوك فى نظريات وتاريخ العمارة

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